We’re just slightly ashamed that we were in Joe Exotic’s one percent of fans on Spotify. It feels like it was forever ago that our timelines were filled with Carol Baskin and Joe Exotic memes. Yeah, we can’t believe that Tiger King was released this year either. Some of the variations hit a little too close to home though. The seemingly endless different mashups that people created had us rolling all year. No matter your political leanings, this meme was one of the most entertaining of 2020. Here’s our list of 20 memes that did the trick. As we look toward the new year, let’s give thanks for what really got us through 2020-the memes.

Within nine hours, the post gained over 31,300 points (88% upvoted) and 260 comments.With this year finally coming to a close, we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. Meanwhile, Redditor sub_to_naffa submitted the image captioned with jokes about Reddit upvotes to /r/dankmemes (shown below, right). The following day, Redditor Mciscool200 submitted a Netflix Adaptation variation of the image to /r/MemeEconomy, where it received more than 11,400 points (88% upvoted) and 1,000 comments that day (shown below, left). Also on October 23rd, Redditor bananapooper2000 posted the image with the logos for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome superimposed over the women's buttocks (shown below, right). That day, Redditor Pintexxz posted the image captioned with the labels Fortnite and Minecraft (shown below, left). Within 24 hours, the post gained over 43,800 points (84% upvoted) and 900 comments. On October 23rd, 2018, Redditor vlas667 submitted the photoshopped version of the image labeled with Rick and Morty and Futurama to /r/dankmemes (shown below). The following month, a photoshopped version of the picture was submitted to the New Schoolers Forums in a post titled "Volleyball shorts appreciation thread" (shown below, right). On October 27th, 2011, Redditor therabbiscat submitted a photograph zoomed in on the buttocks of two young women playing volleyball to the /r/VolleyballGirls subreddit (shown below, left).