Merging swaths together to match the windrow density with the harvester or baler capacity,.Creating a narrow swath in windrow sufficiently narrow to meet the width of the harvester or baler pickup,.Rakes/mergers are often used for four purposes: Numerous studies have provided results on equipment performance and selection that fit specific forage harvesting systems. Selecting the proper equipment and operating it correctly will ensure high quality hay and forage with a cost effective harvesting system. Hay and forage producers have a wide variety of equipment options for raking and merging swaths or windrows. Straw bales can be fed to cows for manure, which can then be utilized by certain fertilizer spreaders to the same effect with other types of fertilizer.Ronald T. Schuler, Extension Agricultural Engineer The player requires the Krone Bigpack to produce Straw bales and the Arcusin Autostack FS 63-72 to retrieve them.Straw can be found as a waste dragged by trails produced from any combine harvester. This allows the player to utilize slurry tanks and obtain free fertilizer along the way. Any type of Loader Wagon can collect grass and sell them at a biogas plant at a cheap price.

Arcusin Autostack FS 63-72 can be used to retrieve them and dump them to the barn.

Once the farmer converted hay/grass into bales, the bales are used to feed animals at the barn.

They are automatically sold at a low cost if excess bales were dumped there.

There are two types of bales, with the player's farm capable of holding 32 of each. Bales come in different types and serve different purposes.